Porto Seguro is a Brazilian group formed by several companies in insurance line of business: pension, life insurance, home, car, health and dental plans, payroll loans, consortium management, protection and monitoring, telecommunications, occupational health and workplace safety.
Creating an efficient management and access to the information for attendance service at the insurance company Porto Seguro. Understanding which are the shortcomings, weaknesses and troubles of attendants and several stakeholders of Porto Seguro’s call center and propose a new process and digital platform to manage and access the necessary information for each business area.
- Improve the communication process
- Low effort with training
- Low average time of attendances
- Improve quality of attendances
- Research report (stakeholders, tools, journeys, etc)
- Information architecture (sitemap, structure, etc)
- Navigation (main menu, contextual menu, footer, etc)
- Tested and documented wireframe
- Responsive version
- Visual design
Concept & Research
Research steps included one week visiting the call center in order to identifying the main troubles and needs observing the attendance’s work. I also led three workshops to understand the current reality of the business, bringing up the main stakeholders, tools and prioritizing features for the new solution.
Stakeholders Map and Features Prioritization: understanding the needs of each business area and their stakeholders, rating and prioritizing each tool for the new digital platform.
Journey Map: mapping the main steps involved in creating, updating and managing the information
Visual Design